- Krieg, C., Nowicka, M., Guglietta, S. et al. High-dimensional single-cell analysis predicts response to anti-PD-1 immunotherapy. Nat Med 24, 144–153 (2018).
- Galli, E., Hartmann, F. J., Schreiner, B. et al. GM-CSF and CXCR4 define a T helper cell signature in multiple sclerosis. Nat Med 25, 1290–1300 (2019).
- Canepa, D. D., Casanova, E. A., Arvaniti, E. et al. Identification of ALP+/CD73+ defining markers for enhanced osteogenic potential in human adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells by mass cytometry. Stem Cell Research & Therapy 12: 7 (2021).
ScaiVision publications:
Oral Presentations and Posters:
- Carl, S.H., Fassnacht, C., Knuckles, P. et al. Bio-O2-01 – Mass cytometry and machine learning delineate tumor-defining cells in Sézary syndrome to allow discrimination from benign erythroderma. European Journal of Cancer 156: Supplement 1, S5-S6 (2021).
- Andrieu T., Dümpelmann L., Duo A., Donato C., Nestorov P., and Mueller M.D. – Single-cell analysis and deep learning reveal a novel diagnostic biomarker for endometriosis. Poster session at SEUD 2021